2023 Northstars Winter Percussion Staff
Director: David Fletcher
Percussion Instruction: Teddy Mascari, EJ Buck, & Kris Norton
What is Stars Percussion?
Stars Percussion is a marching ensemble that competes in the New York State Percussion Circuit in the Percussions Scholastic A Class, in addition to performing at other school and community events. Students perform drill, music, and other movement on a floor mat stage in a gym.
Who can join Northstars Winter Percussion?
Any 7-12th grade musician (6th by recommendation) is eligible provided they are academically eligible to participate in winter activities as determined by their 1st marking period grades. Please check your child’s report card. If it states that the student is ineligible for extra-curricular activities they MAY NOT participate.
How many members will the team have?
Due to the limited space both on the floor and on the single bus we are allotted for competitions, some size limits will need to be placed on the group. However, it is our desire to involve as many students as are interested provided they meet the membership requirements. If we have more students than we can use on the floor or fit on the bus we will establish a “competition team”. This team will be determined by audition and will be used for the March competitions. All others will be considered alternates but will perform at all non-competitive performances (indicated by a star on the calendar). These include the North Syracuse Holiday Parade, two colorguard shows, home drumline show, small ensembles concert and Festival of the Arts.
What are the requirements for membership?
Students must:
1) Fill out all co-curricular paperwork online (FamilyID).
2) Pay or raise the dues fee (can be earned through working dome, individual fundraising sales events, etc.) by the dates communicated on the forum. There is also an additional cost to cover a trip to a regional competition.
3) Participate in fundraising events (bottle drives, etc.)
4) Attend practices and performances as outlined on the schedule